Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a medical and dental surgical speciality that deals with treating disorders and defects of the teeth, mouth, jaws, and face.

An Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon is a specialist surgeon who has completed a dental and medical degree, in addition to at least six years of surgical training. Before being registered as a specialist with the Medical and Dental Boards of Australia, there is an extensive examination and assessment process, leading to the award of a surgical fellowship.

Any doctor who is a specialist or a surgeon needs to have specialist or surgical recognition with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). As a patient, you can go to the AHPRA website, type in the name of your doctor, and see what their registration status is, and if they are a specialist. Click here to check the registration status of your doctor.

You will be provided with a quote for surgery after your consultation. If you are in a health fund, you may be entitled to a rebate.

It is possible to be put to sleep for your surgical procedure. The options are usually a general anesthetic or intravenous sedation. Your surgeon will discuss the options with you.

If you are going to be awake (local anesthesia) it can be performed at the Liverpool, Narellan, or Wollongong office. If you are having treatment under intravenous sedation, it will need to be performed at Narellan or Liverpool. If you are having a general anesthetic, it will be performed at a local accredited private hospital. Your surgeon will discuss the options with you.

See More FAQs About Specific Procedures

At Oral Facial & Implant Surgery, we offer a variety of procedures. For more in-depth answers to frequently asked questions, we invite you to explore our specific procedure pages below.